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Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is the brand name for the steroid commonly referred to as Parabol. It is a popular choice due to the long ester, causing the half-life to be about 14 days. This is compared to 3 days with many other steroids in the same category. It is very powerful and works quickly.

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Reasons to use

The use of Parabol for medical reasons is no longer authorized. This is due to more affordable options introduced that could be prescribed to patients. The use of it today is mainly by athletes and bodybuilders. It is one of the most commonly used anabolic steroids to help them cut fat and gain lean muscle mass.

The use of Parabol isn’t recommended for those just starting out with anabolic steroids due to how potent it is. If you are going to use it as a beginner, make sure you do so with an extremely low dose. Find out how your body responds to it. Taking a larger amount of it isn’t going to help you see results in less time.

Many women rely on g Parabol for weight loss. Men can use it for that purpose too if they are struggling to lose unwanted body fat. It will boost the metabolism and that helps with encouraging rapid weight loss. It can also help someone get over a plateau and continue their weight loss journey. It isn’t going to work on its own though, proper diet and exercise must be part of that equation.

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